The temporary veneers are made of an acrylic which is less durable than final ceramic veneers. The material is only lightly bonded to your teeth to allow for removal when the final restorations go in. Following these instructions will help to minimize chipping or debonding of your temporary veneers.
Chipping or Loosening of your Temporary Veneers/Crown
If chipping or loosening occurs this will not cause damage to the underlying tooth. Minor chipping is common and can typically be left untreated. However, if there is a sharp edge, aesthetic concerns or sensitivity please contact the office.
Sensitivity or Tenderness
Dental freezing may take a few hours to fully wear off. During this time avoid eating or drinking hot, cold or sharp foods.
As the freezing fades you may experience tooth sensitivity and tenderness of the gums. This is normal for a few days following treatment and can be treated with Advil (Ibuprofen) or Tylenol (Acetaminophen). If you experience persistent pain please contact the office.
Your gums may appear to be red or swollen during the duration of the temporaries. This can be minimized with a warm salt water rinse.
Avoid foods that may stain your temporary veneers such as turmeric (curry), blueberries, kale etc. Coffee, tea and wine are generally okay since these mimic natural tooth staining.
Try to limit chewing in the front and mainly use your back teeth.
Avoid biting into hard foods that may chip or crack your temporary veneers such as; nuts, whole apples (cut into small pieces instead), hard toasted bread, chicken wings, ice etc.
Avoid sticky foods such as gum, gummy candies, toffee, or other sticky candies.
Oral Hygiene
Brush your teeth regularly including your temporary veneers. Toothpaste such as Sensodyne can help if you are experiencing sensitivity.
You cannot floss between your temporary veneers or crowns as they are bonded together. Avoid flossing and teeth that are directly adjacent to your temporary veneers to avoid loosening the temporaries. You should still continue to floss all areas that were not treated.
If your gums are irritated or sore you may rinse with a warm salt water rinse. Other mouth rinses will not damage the temporaries but may irritate the gums if already inflamed.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the office
During Business Hours (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm)
contact @smileaestheticsyorkville.com
After Hours (Weekdays after 4pm & Weekends) - Emergencies only please